ABC DISTRICT ~ Joint Projects

The ABC Water District, a joint effort of Austintown, Boardman and Canfield Townships, was created to address issues relating to stormwater quality and quantity in our area.

Among these issues are flooding and improvement of water quality. The district has infrastructure in place to deal with flooding, and that infrastructure must be maintained and repaired. New infrastructure must also be constructed as the area grows and its needs change.

Water quality may be impacted by pollution, sedimentation, and illicit discharges into area waterways. The district funds various facilities and projects designed to deal with these issues.

The projects listed below were funded through the ABC Water District.


Revere Run Storm Sewer Replacement


Pleasant Valley Drainage Ditch Maintenance
Revere Run and Linden Place
Janell Court


Pebble Beach Storm Sewer Replacement Project 


St. Andrews and Fairway Drive ~ Catch Basin Replacement Project
Villa Rosa and Samuel Court ~ Curb and Gutter Replacement Project
Street Sweeping


Catawba Drive at Indian Run Culvert Replacement
Caymen Court Culvert Replacement

Street Sweeping Phase I & II 


Catawba Drive Storm Sewer Repair
Mercedes Place Embankment Stabilization
Pheasant Run Culvert Replacement Phase I & II