Note: If you are interested in renting the multi-purpose building at the Canfield Township Community Park, the forms can be found under Community ~ Canfield Township Park for more information.

Redgate Annexation ~ Final Agreement

Redgate Annexation ~ Final Agreement

Trustee Meetings

Canfield Township Trustees normally meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Township Hall, however dates can be changed due to summer and holiday schedules.

Meeting Minutes

The minutes shown on this website are not official. The official signed minutes are on file in the Township office and are available for inspection and copying by contacting the Fiscal Officer.

Recordings of many meetings are available for listening in the Township Office and a copy may be obtained upon request from the Fiscal Officer

Note: Meeting minutes are to provide information of the most salient points and are not intended to describe all conversations and testimony verbatim. Minutes and recordings are kept in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and available per the Ohio Sunshine Laws. Please feel free to contact the Township office for more information.

Canfield Township's Complete Public Records Request Policy