Public Works/Road Department

Bob Burkett

Bob Burkett
28 Years of Service

Shawn Stack

Shawn Stack
17 Years of Service

Brian Schiele

Brian Schiele

6 Years of Service



Canfield Township Road concerns County Road concerns State Road concerns

Canfield Township office
330-533-4239 (option 3)
Monday - Friday: 8am to 4pm

Mahoning County Highway Engineers

Ohio Department of Transportation ODOT

Proud to keep Canfield Township moving

Your Road Department primarily handles:

  • 36+ miles of Canfield Township roads
  • Snow and ice control on Township roads
  • Paving inspections and patching Township roads
  • Dean Hill Cemetery
  • Drainage within right of way
  • Thousands of feet of storm sewer lines
  • Maintenance on all road vehicles
  • Township Signage
  • Township Facilities (3 buildings)

Township Leaf Collection

Each year the Township performs a Leaf Collection for the residents that choose to participate. The leaves must be place in tied compostable bags or we can not pick them up. The Township will provide (5) free bags per Township family and $2.00 for each (5) thereafter (only while supplies last). Bags can be acquired at the Township Hall or any other store. Bag pick up is typically the third week of October thru Thanksgiving. The last pick up will be dictated by the weather.


For residents North of Route 224 - TUESDAYS
For residents South of Route 224 - THURSDAYS
The leaf bags are to be placed at the curb by 8:00 a.m. on the day of pick up and the Public Works Employees will do the rest.


Common Summer Questions

We patch holes and bad areas on Township roads only. We are not permitted to patch County or State roads.

If you are north of route 224 call Dominion East Ohio Gas at 877-542-2630.
If you are south of route 224 call Columbia Gas at 1-800-344-4077.
Contact the Township Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 330-533-4239.
If you hear gas leaking contact the Joint Cardinal Fire District at 911.

Canfield Township does not have a burn permit. Small 3’ x 3’ bond fires with your own wood are permitted on your property ( roasting marshmallows for example). Anything larger and that will produce smoke, leaves for example, you are required to call the Canfield Fire District for instruction at 330-533-4316.

We repair and replace all signage on our roads. We will cut and remove fallen trees across the roads but we are only permitted to cut back to the road right of way.

We mow berms twice a year between June 1-15 and August 1-15. We mow right of ways on Township roads only. We are not permitted to work vacant lots or anything privately owned.

We do not repair driveway approaches or curbs (most were improperly installed). We do have a curb cut permit. Curbing is a cosmetic repair and we do not have the staff to do such repairs.Should you want to cut a Township Curb you must complete a curb cutting permit.

Each year a list of recommended Township roads to be paved is presented to the Board of Trustees by the Road Superintendent and Assistant Road Superintendent. The board then carefully reviews the paving history, necessity and budget to determine which roads will be paved. Please know that Canfield Township participates in a joint paving program with Austintown and Boardman in order to keep paving cost down. Paving usually takes place sometime in July thru September. Please call the Township office if you would like to know more about your road. If you would like to see the last time you road was paved click on the following: Paving

If a street light is out in your area, please visit the First Energy website.

We will pick up dead animals on all Township and County roads. They must be in the right of way as we are not permitted to work on private property. ODOT will pick up dead animals on State roads.

Common Water Questions

Contact the Township Administrator at the Township office, he will meet you at your house and review what needs to be done so the rainwater runoff is collected properly.

Homeowners should call the Township before calling a plumber if they have standing water or a backup and if they have reason to believe it may be due to Township pipes. Plumbers charge, we do not. If water is coming up through the main drain in your basement, call the Mahoning County Sanitary Engineering Department at 330-793-5514. Standing water in a yard is usually the homeowner’s responsibility. If in doubt call the Township.

Yes. Please note-no yard debris or any type of debris should be put into the catch basins. This can cause flooding and backup into the homeowners basement or garage. We repair catch basins in an order depending on the severity of the damage.

If your house is located north of route 224 then you have Youngstown Water Service:
Emergency service: 330-884-6006.

If your house is located south of route 224 then you have Aqua Ohio Water Service:
Emergency service: 1-877-987-2782.

Youngstown Water Department and Aqua Ohio are responsible for water lines and hydrants.

Driveway pipes and piped in ditches: We will sewer jet pipes in an attempt to open them. If the pipes are in bad shape or we are unable to open them, the homeowner is responsible for repairs or replacement if the street was originally open ditch. We do not install or replace driveway pipes.

Common Winter Questions

We cannot be responsible for garbage cans and recycling bins that are left in the streets. They should be placed in the homeowner’s driveway.

Canfield Township’s mailbox reimbursement policy was passed by Motion on March 8, 2022 reads:  The Canfield Township Public Works Department will make an attempt to repair the existing mailbox not to exceed $50.00. If the existing mailbox and/or post cannot be repaired, the Township will replace it with a standard 4x4 post and standard mailbox not to exceed $50.00. In the event the homeowner wishes to replace the damaged mailbox with something different, the Township will reimburse the homeowner, via check, up to $50 after the new mailbox is properly installed and a copy of the receipt is provided. There will be no exceptions to this policy.

Five Township trucks plow and salt Township maintained roads. There are many County, State and Private roads within Canfield Township and you must call the appropriate entity with a problem or concern.  Please see the heading above Helpful Documents and click on County and State Roads.

We currently have 79 cul de sacs and each one is different. Therefore, we plow and pile the snow the quickest way and the snow cannot be evenly distributed among neighbors.

We repair snow plow damage every spring with topsoil and seed within the road right away. The yards that are damaged are Township owned in right of way and not the homeowners. We are not responsible for and cannot replace sprinkler systems, landscaping, shrubbery etc. that is placed in the right of way.