Zoning Information and Permits
Contact: Traci DeCapua at 330-533-4239 (option 1)
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ~ 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.      Wednesday ~ 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Zoning is defined as the division of a jurisdiction into districts to enable the regulation of land according to the nature and use of the land in order to promote the orderly development of the area, and the protection of public health, safety and general welfare. Zoning permits the enjoyment of all property rights, so long as the owner does not infringe upon or impair the exercise of the same rights of others.

In 1948, the Canfield Township Board of Trustees and the Canfield Township Zoning Commission enacted the first Zoning Resolution. In the subsequent years, different Boards of Trustees and Zoning Commissions have revised and amended the original Resolution to keep pace with the changing character of the township and evolving lifestyles of its residents.

Permit Application and Procedure

A Zoning Permit shall hereinafter be secured from the Township Zoning Inspector prior to any construction of any building, structure or sign in the Township. All requests for Zoning Permits shall be filed through application by the owner or his authorized agent and shall include the use or intended use of the building or structure after the proposed construction, erection, reconstruction, relocation or alteration. A scaled drawing showing the location of the proposed and/or existing building on the site plan shall be submitted to, and filed with, the Township Zoning Inspector.

Application Requirements

Before construction or altering of any site, structure, or building, including accessory buildings, application shall be made to the Canfield Township Zoning Inspector for a Zoning Permit. The applications shall include the following information:

Complete building plans, elevations and a plot plan drawn to scale showing the exact dimensions of the proposed structure or structures, placement on the lot, access drives and parking areas.

In the case of new Commercial Construction, on site storm water detention areas and calculations must meet the Mahoning County Specifications and be made a part of the site plan presented to the Canfield Township Zoning Office for review byNote on the Minutes below Public Hearing is (PH) & Workshop is (WS) the Mahoning County Engineer.


Transient Vendor Permit

If you are a mobile Vendor for example (Food Truck, Door-to-Door, Fruit-Vegetable Stand...) operating in Canfield Township, you are required to obtain a Transient Vendor Permit. An inspection must be completed on your vehicle by the Cardinal Joint Fire District (CJFD) prior to your application. Once your inspection is complete, please bring proof of inspection to Canfield Township, 21 S. Broad St., Canfield OH and the Zoning Inspector will have you fill out an application and issue your permit. If you have any questions, call  330-533-4239 (option 1)

Please see below for more information:

Special Event Permit

Any Person, Business or Organization who wishes to have a special event, temporary or seasonal is required to obtain a Special Event Permit from the Zoning Inspector, with the exception of educational and religious institutions. If you have any questions, call 330-533-4239 (option 1)

Please see below for more information:


Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 2025 Roster 

Minutes 2024     March (Reorg)March #24-01-BAMarch #24-02-BAMarch #24-03-BAApril #24-04-BAJune #24-05-BAAugust #24-06-BAAugust #24-07-BASeptember #24-08-BA    

Zoning Commission

Zoning Commission ~ 2025 Roster

*Note on the Minutes below Public Hearing is (PH) & Workshop is (WS)

Minutes 2024     January (Reorg & WS)February (WS)March (WS)April (WS)May (PH)May (WS)July (WS)August (PH)August (WS)September (WS)1September (WS)2October (WS)1October (WS)2November (WS)1November (WS)2November (WS)3    

Commonly Asked Questions - Zoning

If you feel that a possible violation exists in your neighborhood or other areas, you may contact the zoning office with the complaint or use the REPORT A CONCERN button on the home page. The complaint will be investigated and action taken if found in violation.

You will need an accurate site plan showing the distance for the front ,rear and side yard setbacks, a set of prints or drawing of the structure with measurements of the width, length and height. The most misunderstood permits are storage sheds and above ground swimming pools, because they are not considered permanent structures by many residents, Zoning Permits are required for these structures.

Any structure valued at over $100.00 requires a permit.

You can request a zoning variance. Zoning variances are designed to provide relief of the Zoning Regulations: appealing the decision of the Zoning Inspector and for any practical difficulty such as setbacks, use and area regulations. Each zoning hearing is based on it on merits as presented by the Appellant.

No. Zoning does not regulate building construction standards; Mahoning County Building Inspection would require a permit to perform such construction.

No. Please note: placing signs on utility poles or public right-a-way is in violation of State and Local Zoning Codes and subject to penalties; signs found in these locations will be removed and discarded.

A zoning permit is required by State Law and Local Zoning Code. Fences are required to be a minimum of 1 foot from the property line and may be installed on the property line with the neighbors permission. A minimum 4' 6" fence is required around swimming pools. A project started without obtaining a Zoning Permit, will automatically double the Zoning Permit fee. When in doubt call it will save money and headaches.

Please note - overgrown grass, noxious weeds or abandoned vehicles are Public Nuisances and may be removed or maintained by the Township.